About Lisa
I Believe:
We are all here for a reason.
What is possible for each of us is so much greater than what we could ever imagine.
We need to pay attention to where things are flowing and where they are not.
Life is messy. People are complicated. That’s okay.
Sometimes the most beautiful things about us are invisible to us.
I believe in sustainability. If what we’re doing isn’t sustainable, we won’t be able to keep doing it. I believe the Universe will support us one way or another if we follow a Calling.
Sometimes what we are supposed to do doesn’t make sense on paper. We get to make it up and do it our own way. Sometimes we just need a little permission and blessing.
Transformation can be easier than we think.
You are not alone, no matter how it may feel in the moment.
Playing ‘bigger’ can be quiet.
There’s nothing better than a good conversation.
Who I Am
I am an explorer at heart. I’ve always been curious about how things connect and what lies around the bend. It’s true out in nature, and it’s true in people.
I come from a strong line of women and in turn, value the company, sensibilities and wisdom of women. I have a particular passion for helping women rise.
I help people find clarity and make conscious choices in designing their lives. I have a way of helping people believe in themselves, navigate around barriers—real or imagined—and move forward.
I love helping people own their ability to manifest and work with the Universe.
I’m a big fan of common sense.
A Little More Background
I have a certificate from the Coaches Training Institute (2003). A Masters of Science degree in Geology from The University of Massachusetts (1998). A Bachelor’s degree from Smith College (1990). When I finished graduate school, I explored working on environmental policy in DC, but soon realized that I wanted to work with people, not policies. I wanted to change what people thought and believed was possible. This brought me to coaching, which I’ve now been offering for more than 20 years.
I love doing this work and am the most intuitive while doing it. This led me to study channeling in recent years, which I now bring even more directly to my work.
I never fully resonated with the term ‘Coach’ and now feel being a ‘Guide’ is a more accurate frame on what it is I do. My whole being - my Soul - is meeting your whole being, your Soul. I bring all that I am to this work and I want to bring all of you to life.